Attendance Policy

 Bendle Middle School, we believe that excellent attendance is an essential part of securing a quality education. Through good attendance a person has the opportunity to do his/her best and gain the most in school. Good attendance is established as a goal for everyone at Bendle Middle School.

Parents are required to contact the school to state why their child is absent and the expected duration of the absence. The attendance phone number is 591-3385. When possible, contact should be made the morning their child is absent. However, if this is not possible, a note should be sent to school with your child on the day they return. If contact is not made with the school via note or phone call, the student will receive an unexcused absence. 

When students arrive to school following an absence or being late, they are required to pick up a pass from the media center before going to class.

Experience clearly shows that there is a direct relationship between good attendance and academic success. Additionally, parents should be aware that truancy charges will be filed in the event of excessive absences.

Arriving Late to School or Being Tardy to Class

For first hour only, any student who arrives to class between 7:50 a.m. and 8:05 a.m. will be considered tardy. Any student who arrives after 8:05 a.m. will be marked absent for that hour. For all other classes, students will be marked tardy for arriving late in the first 5 minutes and marked absent after that.

Arrives late for a class without a written excuse will be considered an unnecessary disruption and the Responsibility Program will be utilized to address the problem.

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